Monday, July 19, 2010

Entiat 2010 ~Wrapping it Up~

Okie dokie! I am at my last post for our Entiat trip. If you are still reading these, you are one of my favorite people ever! So, I am just going to post some pictures that make me smile, laugh, bring back memories, or whatever. So enjoy!

We are cool like that...

Oh car rides....

I told Beth to look happy, I think she looks a tad bit scared though...

Good ole' card games

Beth had just eatten a blue cookie... hence the blue tongue

This is the big rock that sits infront of the house. We all sat on this rock for a long time talking about nothing important and having a blast

This picture is a perfect example of my Dad and I. Always giggling about something. It is not the best picture ever, but I like it a lot.

So, as I am wrapping up this blog post I am just going to write out a few things that I will remember forever about this vacation.

1. The HUGE water fight I had with Alex our 2nd night there. No pictures, but it was amazingly awesome.
2. Jet Ski day and having the rental guy think that Alex and I were well over 16 years old
3. Watching Mrs. Carlson get so excited about Blueberry Hills
4. Getting to know Brenna so much better.
5. Beth and I laughing so hard we were crying about some game on my iPod
6. Staying outside sitting on the drive way until midnight with Alex talking about "Entiat's history" :)
7. Watching Emily convince Alex to swim through lake weed
8. "I even saw them KISS" - Thomas. (Dont ask, it is an inside joke us six have)
9. Playing would-you-rather with Beth, Brenna, Emily, and I at the pool
10. Making up a handshake with Beth
11. Brenna and I playing "Hand Tennis" There were not enough rackets to go around so we just used our hands!
12. When Beth and I had our "spy" missions
13. Be trying to convince Thomas and Beth that Alovera was actually just snake spit (They didnt fall for it)
14. The bajillion times I played Rat Race
15. This one is more of a story... So it was our last night there and we were all talking. Brenna looks over at Emily and says, "Emily, you are the nicest person I know, except for Amanda." How I love little Miss Brenna.

Anways, thank you so much Carlson Family for making June 30- July 8 the most amazing time ever! Cant wait for next year!


  1. Serious questions about #8!!!!

    This was fun...thanks for sharing the memories from your perspective ~ many more happy memories to come!

  2. We were talking about people in the pool that were grossing us out and then Thomas declared that and we all died laughing.

  3. I love reading your blog!!!You are so funny!
