Saturday, September 25, 2010

Rams... we've got that mmmm JIVE! Rams, we are ALIVE.

(The title is a cheer that the cheerleaders do that gets stuck in my head like crazy!)
Tyler, Ilana, Me
Hello. My name is Amanda Arend and my new love is football games. I think they are a total blast, winning or losing I have a blast. Being with friends, screaming your head off, wearing weird clothes, Friday nights, supporting your school, screaming your head off, doing weird cheers, screaming your heads off, and did I mention... screaming your head off?

Well, I LOVE the football games. Last night we played Tumwater, Tumwater killed us. We lost horribly but, I still had a blast. I honestly have no clue when to cheer. I just scream when everyone around me starts to scream. So, Tyler told me I COULD NOT cheer until he started cheering so then it would look like I had some sort of idea when to cheer.

I think I am starting to understand the sport. But honestly, I have no desire to understand all of teh flags and stuff like that. I know what a touch down is. I know which way they have to run. And I know that winning is good. And in my opinion, thats all thats needed.

Ilana, Me, Sarah

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