Friday, February 11, 2011

Why, Hello Golf...

It is coming... Golf. And because I am so deeply concerned about how I do this golf season and will aim for nothing less then perfect (BLAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!) I have started going the range to get back into the swing of things.... Get it? SWING of things? man... I am full of good jokes.

...We are so cute...

So on Thursday Maddie and I went to go with Jake. Now let me tell you, Jake is pro. He is going to State. Yea... I know. Crazy. And Maddie and I...? Well lets just say if Maddie or I hit it farther then 100 yards, we are so excited. Like jump up and down excited. And if we actually hit it straight... well, then it all the sudden becomes the best day ever. So us, going with Jake was quite interesting. We just went to the range. We were there for 2 hours, and talked more then hit golf balls, and had a total blast. It was good to get some tips for Mr. Pro and get back into the feel of swinging a club around.

Today Maddie and I went out to the Hawks Prarie golf course... just cause. And it was fun. I love hanging out with Maddie, we crack ourselves up. Like we laugh at stuff that isnt funny, at all. But for some reason we just crack up about it. For instance, while we were at the range, we all the sudden found these little tubs that you can wash your clubs in absolutley hilarious. We were cracking up. Are they funny? No. Are they suppose to be funny? No. Were we thinking they were funny? Yes.
Yea, were cool...

So basically it is good to get back into this sport and I am excited for golf to start. Oh, and I would like to let you know that I am sore. Yes, sore... from golf. But seriously, all that twisting makes you sore. Laugh all you want...


  1. hahahahaha! Sore from all the twisting huh? You do need to "get your swing back" girrrrrrrrrl, or perhaps find it!!! hahahahahave fun! GOLF IS AWESOME!!!
