Sunday, September 25, 2011

People Make Me Laugh

People are weird. There is no other way to say it. They are weird and make me laugh. I am totally a part of this weird category... and I make myself laugh with all of my weirdness. I can't even tell you all of the weird things I see people do at school.... It's quite entertaining if you ask me.

This would be Jason pretending to stab poor innoscent Matthew... See, even my closest friends are weird! This was at Jake's party and it was uh... quite the night. We went to Dirty Daves then came back to his house and watched the movie The Beaver... this would be Jason re inacting the movie. It was a weird one... for sure. And I am just writing this so I can remember it later on, but Jason's shirt says "Jesus is my BOSS!... Amen" and it just made me laugh everytime I saw it...

Ok, this one deserves a story... I've been meaning to post about this one for a long time. This summer we had girls bible studies once a week. One time we met at Starbucks kinda late at night and we were in the Barnes and Nobles by the mall. And Melanie and I turned around at some point and saw these characters. They were both obviously without a home... or shower. Or toothbrush. Yet they had DS's to play on. And they talked to each other for the majority of the time through cell phones... it was great. And one guy tried bringing his dog in like 4 different times. But they kept telling him he couldnt. The guy was persistant and even tried hidding the dog in his pants... Heavens. Like I said, people are weird.

I hope you enjoy your own weirdness and it can make you laugh. Cause I find myself laughing at myself numerous times thoughout the day!

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