Friday, December 27, 2013


A couple years ago, I started to realize the importance of gentleness. How God calls us to be gentle. One of the fruits of the Spirit is "Gentleness". I always thought of this as weakness, incompetence, and pathetic. 2 years ago Maddie gave me this poem she found somewhere that describes gentleness. And it changed my whole view of being gentle. So here ya go....

Gentleness is not something shameful 
Or subordinate
Or second best. 
It is supreme strength of character--
Minus the muscle. 
Gentleness is being vulnerable and honest--
Removing your masks and forgetting everything you ever heard
About "macho" men and Marlboro "manliness". 
It says: can I help you?"
And "I'm sorry"
And "thanks a million."
Gentleness is admitting you have
Needs and hurts and fears 
And is willing to ask for help. 
It stands up for the rights of others
And not for your own.
Gentleness is the unfading beauty in a quiet spirit
Or an encouraging word
Or a kind smile
Or a good cry. 
It is being able to talk openly 
With a member of the opposite sex
Or to play with a child
Or to laugh with an adult. 
Gentleness soothes the broiling edge of anger
And hate
And prejudice 
And pride. 
It is strength that grows
From the inside out. 
Gentleness is a velvet-wrapped brick. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

This Quarter...

I met Sophia
I met Gus
I met Tyler
I met Thanh
I met Aunt Shay
I learned how to park in tiny little parking spots
I learned how to study
I learned how to stay up and cram for a test
I learned how to get ready in 10 minutes
I learned how to do a long distance friendship with Maddie.
I loved Jesus.
I loved Jake.
I loved Maddie.
I loved learning.
I loved my family.
I loved laughter.
I laughed with Jake.
I laughed with Maddie although we were 528 miles apart.
I laughed so hard my stomach hurt.
I laughed with Tyler.
I laughed at youtube clips.
I laughed with my Dad.
I laughed with my Mom.
I laughed late into the night over silly things with Emily.
I laughed at STUPID youtube clips with Thomas.
I laughed with Jimmy Fallon.
I missed Maddie.
I missed John.
I found Tyler.
I found Sydney
I found laughter with new friends.
I found parts of me I didn't know existed.
I found the Vanilla Chai Tea Latte.
I found Jesus.
I saw the faithfulness of Jesus as he provided for me. Bringing me new friends, challenging classes, a mind capable of learning. Laughter. Joy. Peace.
I saw my best friend leave for Idaho.
I saw Maddie come home to surprise me!
I saw my sister be a drum major.
I saw my brother and Sam laugh so hard they cried.
I saw Jake do exceptionally well in golf this season.
I saw the Seahawks have an amazing season! (They still are!)
I received a sense of peace and contentment found only in Jesus Christ. Jesus continually brought me closer to Him and reminded me daily that my life is here to glorify Him. Not me. Not what other's think of me. I am not here to impress anybody else but Him.
I listened to Ben Rector.
I listed to an embarrassing amount of Chemistry Khan Academy videos.
I listed to 80's music. Cause it's just so great.
I listed to my sister's band show about 3000000 times. And loved it.
I listed to Thomas practice the bells.
I listed to my dad's advice.
I listed to God in the stillness. A totally new thing for me.
I listed to constant and gentle encouragement from Jake.