Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ready or not... HERE I COME!

Today I started my firsty day of being a Sophmore at North Thruston High School. I am so excited about Sophmore year. It is gonna be amazing. And if it starts not being amazing, I will find ways to make it amazing. All of my friends get their licenses this year, and I have challenging classes and amazing friends. It all adds up to pure awesomeness! Yea, some times are going to be really hard, and at times I might feel overwhelmed, but nothing I can't handle with the help of my amazing God.

Last year I went to school a total wreck. I didnt know anyone! I cant even begin to put it into words how scary it is to go to High School not knowing ANYONE! I walked away from my dads car with tears in my eyes and came back home with tears rolling down my face. This year...

                                                                I come back all SMILES!

I had a great first day! I was really nervous for my first period, Honors English. Thankfully I had a lot of friends in this class. And the teacher... is AMAZING! She was so nice. She is such a cool lady. She said that she fully expects us all to mess up horribly at times, and to not always get 100% on everything. Now I know that all teachers probably think the same thing, but I had never heard it from a teacher. It gives you freedom to just be... human. She was very easy to talk to and just very calming. The kind of teacher that I need. Especially sense English is NOT my favorite.

AP World Studies should be really hard, but I am ready for the challenge. The teacher is a really cool spunky person. She is the coach for the varsity volley ball and is so cool! She told us all about her self and I can totally see myself LOVING that class!

And of course, I have to give all of this awesomesness up to God. HE made it hapen, only He could make me this excited and give me such amazing friends and teachers! Can not wait to see how Sophmore year goes!


  1. I am excited for you and your sophomore year. I know that you will share your joy with all of your friends. I look forward to the morning drives!

  2. That's awesome, Amanda! You have the greatest attitude. Take that joy into life and you are going to have a fun! Hugs.

  3. I'm so glad you had such a great first day. Makes me want to send my kids to that school! :) I really enjoy your positive attitude and am looking forward to what the Lord has in store for you this year. What a difference from last year,eh?

    Mrs. Joss

  4. very nice summary of Summer... so very proud of your amazing writing skills! What a GREAT post of your first day as a Soph contrasted with your first day as a Froshy! Your God sounds pretty AWESOME!!!
