Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin, Pumpkin, Pumpkin

I started my Sunday off with a Pumpkin Spice latte. Which, by the way, is the best drink that Starbucks has to offer. No, the peppermint mocha is the best one they have to offer... EITHER WAY, it is a fantastic drink and you should get one before the season is over.

THEN, I came home and carved pumpkins..... YEA! Its one of my favorite parts of fall.  I love the smell of the inside of a pumpkin. Ahhh.... it smells like... like... a... PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE! Imagine that...  :)

They are goofy


 Thomas made a 3 eyed pumpkin
 My Pumpkin!!!!!
 My mom got violent and made a dead pumpkin

Dad's Pumpkin. It reminds me of Piglet for some reason

 The guts are my favorite part.
 My favorite
Yea for us!


  1. LET ME BE THE FIRST (and I hope not only) TO COMMENT! Cute pumpkins. Ok, there. I commented.

  2. Can I just say - I love your family! :)

  3. UHhhhh Amanda??? really? Pumpkin Spice? No Bueno!!! It's all about the egg nog latte girl!

  4. HA!!!! I just realized that your mom's pumpkin looks like me when I'm sick! It has the x's on the eyes!!!
