Thursday, March 25, 2010


Well, this morning I was chatting with my cousin Kaisha on-line. We were talking about what we were going to do throughout the day and I said that I would blog about something. She told me to blog about her. So here ya go Kaisha!

Kaisha- One of the most amazing people I know. Someone that I could hangout with forever and never got bored of. Somebody that I could do absolutely nothing with and wouldn't really mind. Someone that I can tell a secret to. Someone who is just simply... awesome!

In case you didn't know, Kaisha one of my 5 amazing Thomas cousins. She lives up in Bellingham. She is the manager of a coffee shop and can make a killer good mocha milk shake. I would say my favorite memory with Kaisha was when we went to down town Fairhaven and we just walked around for a few hours. We went to this cute cup cake shop, went to get coffee, and sat on the rocky beach and talked about random stuff that doesnt really matter. Or, when we stayed up and watched 24 until 4:00 am. Actually, now that I think of it, I dont have one memory that is my favorite... they are all my favorite.

Anyway... I could go on and on about how great and amazing Kaisha is.

If you want to visit Kaisha's blog just click here!

So to sum it all up... I LOVE KAISHA!

1 comment:

  1. you're awesome...24 is're aweosome...cupcakes are're awesome...fairhaven is're awesome...mocha milkshakes are're awesome...cousins are're awesome...

    end of story.
