Sunday, July 11, 2010

Entiat 2010 ~4th of July~

A picture my mom took and I edited
     Ahhh... the 4th of July. Fireworks, icecream, friends, celebrating our country's freedom, Entiat, hamburgers, hot weather... does it get any better? I dont think so.

     The neighborhood that we stay at has a 4th of July parade every year. They bring in a fire truck and people decorate their golf carts in red white and blue galore, and kids ride their bikes. Super cute. I guess is would mean more if you actually lived there and knew some of the people there. Last year we miss the parade, but this year, we were there in the front row. None of us were very excited to go the parade when we could be in the pool.  But when one of the dads mentioned that they would be giving out candy we all had our shoes on and were out the door before you could say another word :)
Waiting for the parade with my best friends

Emily and Brenna showin' their American Pride

I absolutley LOVE this picture. Mostly because I am sitting next to the coolest 4th grade girl you will EVER meet.

While walking down the parade Emily and Brenna found a flag and decided to carry it around for a while. Beth and I also were looking around for stuff that had blown off of houses. It was ridiculously windy that day so stuff was blowing off of houses left and right. Beth even found a party hat!

 Would have been an awesome picture if Alex wasnt blinded by the sun and Brenna was a few inchs taller....Notice Beth is holding something that she found on the ground :)

The "big" kids

This little girl in the parade made me smile. She had on a red, white and blue tu-tu, red sparkley shoes, an old navy shirt, red ribon in her hair, and the biggest smile on her face. She was super cute skippin' down the road completley pleased with her outfit.

One of the neighbors made the Statue of Liberty. Pretty cool huh?

One of the MANY golf carts all decorated the parade

     After getting home and then eatting dinner we thought it would be a fun idea to have a water fight. So, we got out the water guns, water baloons, and buckets. We spent about an hour filling up water balloons. But not one ballon lated more than 10 min before it was thrown at Alex for squirting us with the hose. So after an hour of "filling up water balloons", we had no balloons, Alex was dripping, and I was drenched from being the only one squirted with the hose. Well, okay some of them were wet too from defending me. Good friends will pound their own brother with a water balloon for you. Then, we saw that the neighbors were outiside with nothing to do, so we asked them if they would join us for a water fight. They agreed and the battle began. Brenna and I went in cause were just standing their shivering like crazy. By the time we came back outside with dry clothes on, the battle was over but the neighbors had brought out some water balloon launcher thing. Thomas and Alex were totally into it and they were seeing how far they could launch the balloons.

Now for the event that you all think of when the phrase 4th of July is said... fireworks! It was freezing cold out and we had just finished out icecream. I was lucky enough to have Thomas sit on my lap, he kept me pretty warm.

Bundled up and ready for the show...

My mom took those firework shots last year, but they are still firewoks and I still think that they are fun pictures.

Although it may be late, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures! Especially the fireworks and colour splash/flag!
